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#Try out Fink

Open Fink

#Edit translations with version control in a visual editor.

Fink enables translators to edit translations in a visual editor and submit them to your repository. It is a client-side application that pulls the translations from your repository into the browser and commits changes back to it. Contributors can easily submit translations by creating forks and pull requests within the editor.

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#Why use Fink?

#Let's get started

  1. Add a project.inlang folder to your repository
  2. Create a settings.json file to that new dir project.inlang/settings.json
  3. Install a plugin that reads and writes your messages from the inlang marketplace

  1. Optional Install [lint rules]((https://inlang.com/c/lint-rules) to find errors in your translations from the inlang marketplace

Look at the example repository and it's settings.json for a working example.


This is how the editor could look like for your project:

#How to contribute translations

Fink Guide Ad Read in-depth guide


#Login via GitHub

If your repository can't be accessed anonymously, you can login via GitHub. The editor will ask you to login if it can't access your repository.