#What is inlang?
inlang is globalization infrastructure that powers an ecosystem of inlang apps, plugins and solutions that make globalization simple.
#Ecosystem Approach
For every use case, there is an app, a plugin, a lint rule, or a custom solution that can be built. Once you have set up your inlang project, you can use all of them without any additional effort.
#Using repositories as a backend
inlang apps are built on lix. Lix is a git-compatible version control backend for your software projects. Using lix provides inlang with CI/CD for globalization and collaboration between developers, translators, and designers on one common source of truth: Your repository and your data.
What you get with this approach:
- Quality management - Define Lint Rules for your project to ship quality cross-app.
- Automations - With lix change control you can use CI/CD to check lint, machine translate, validate and more. (Continuous Localization)
- Review - PR workflows can be used to gain control over the merged content.