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Fink – Localization Editor


Your translation workflow with no-code setup and repository-based operation — the ideal i18n solution for translators.


Sherlock - VS Code extension


Visualize, edit & lint translated strings at a glance via Inline Decorations & Hover Support, and extract new strings with a single click.


Use ParaglideJS with Remix


This guide covers how to integrate ParaglideJS into a Remix project.

Kevin Martínez

Build an internationalized Astro App using Paraglide


Learn how to set up Paraglide in an Astro project.


Build a Global SolidStart App


A complete guide on how to adopt inlang with paraglide.js and message-format-plugin in your SolidStart project.


Use ParaglideJS with the NextJS App Router


This guide covers how to integrate ParaglideJS into a NextJS project using the app router. It will cover server & client components, i18n routing and more!

Loris Sigrist

Use ParaglideJS with the NextJS Pages Router


This guide covers how to integrate ParaglideJS into a NextJS project using the pages router. It will cover i18n routing and SEO Pitfalls and more!

Loris Sigrist

Build a Global Svelte App


A complete guide on how to adopt inlang with paraglide.js and message-format-plugin

Nils Jacobsen

Setting Up next-intl with the Sherlock VS Code extension.


I'll walk you through the integration of the next-intl internationalization library with the Sherlock VS Code extension.

Nils Jacobsen

Camel case id

Message Lint Rule

Checks for messages to have a camel case formatted message id (e.g. 'myMessage').


Identical pattern

Message Lint Rule

Checks for identical patterns in different languages. A message with identical wording in multiple languages can indicate that the translations are redundant or can be combined into a single message to reduce translation effort.


Message without source

Message Lint Rule

Checks for likely outdated messages. A message with a missing source is usually an indication that the message (id) is no longer used in source code, but messages have not been updated accordingly.


Snake case id

Message Lint Rule

Checks for messages to have a snake case formatted message id (e.g. 'my_message_id').


Valid JS Identifier

Message Lint Rule

Make sure that all message IDs are valid JavaScript identifiers.


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