Lazy-loading translations can seriously hurt your web-vitals. Here is what to do instead.
Loris Sigrist
A library containing BCP-47 language tags types and validators, used by inlang.
This library allows you to add translation logic to your application without having to rewrite large parts.
Checks for empty pattern in a language tag. If a message exists in the reference resource but the pattern in a target resource is empty, it is likely that the message has not been translated yet.
Checks for identical patterns in different languages. A message with identical wording in multiple languages can indicate that the translations are redundant or can be combined into a single message to reduce translation effort.
Checks for likely outdated messages. A message with a missing source is usually an indication that the message (id) is no longer used in source code, but messages have not been updated accordingly.
Checks for missing variants for a specific languageTag. If a variant exists for the sourceLanguageTag but is missing for a listed languageTag, it is likely that the message has not been translated for this languageTag yet.
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