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Adapters are not needed in Paraglide JS 2.0 anymore. Use Paraglide JS 2.0 directly

Dead Simple i18n. Typesafe, Small Footprint, SEO-Friendly and, with an IDE Integration.

@inlang/paraglide-sveltekit is the easiest way to internationalize your SvelteKit Project. It handles string translations, i18n routing and more!

Thanks to Paraglide's Treeshakeable messages only messages that are used on the current page are part of the JS bundle. This results in the smallest size with the exception that Paraglide JS loads all languages till #88 is solved. The inflection point of only bundling the used messages but for all languages is around 10-20 languages, dependent on the number of messages used. Read scaling for more information.

Paraglide-SvelteKit offers Localised routing with translated pathnames, without requiring a [locale] parameter in your routes.

Links are automatically translated to the current language. Write <a href="/about" and it renders as <a href="/fr/a-propos" in French.

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When is the SvelteKit adapter for Paraglide JS not the right choice?

Warning: Progress on feature development for Paraglide SvelteKit in on hold until lix 1.0 is released. See this post. Pull requests for bugfixes will be reviewed and merged ASAP.

  • You don't want the route to contain the language tag (e.g. /en/about), see Issue #217. You can use Paraglide JS (without an adapter) instead.
  • Variant are not supported yet (pluralization, gendering) see Issue #201
  • You have more than 10 languages and care about minimum bundle sizes, see Scaling. A runtime based i18n library might be better for you until language splitting ships issue #88.


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