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Inlang-ecosystem compatibility badge

#Getting Started

Get started instantly with the Paraglide-SvelteKit CLI.

npx @inlang/paraglide-sveltekit init
npm install

The CLI will ask you which languages you want to support. This can be changed later.

  • Create an Inlang Project
  • Create translation files for each of your languages
  • Add necessary Provider Components and files
  • Update your vite.config.js file to use the Paraglide-SvelteKit Plugin.

You can now start your development server and visit /de, /ar, or whatever languages you've set up.

#Creating Messages

Your messages live in messages/{languageTag}.json files. You can add messages in these files as key-value pairs of the message ID and the translations.

Use curly braces to add parameters.

// messages/en.json
	// The $schema key is automatically ignored
	"$schema": "",

	"hello_world": "Hello World!",
	"greetings": "Greetings {name}."

Learn more about the format in the Inlang Message Format Documentation.

Note: All messages you use in your project must be added to these files. It is not possible to dynamically add more messages at runtime.

#Using messages in Code

The Paraglide compiler will generate a src/lib/paraglide/messages.js file that contains your messages. Import messages from there. By convention, a wildcard import is used.

	import * as m from '$lib/paraglide/messages.js'

<p>{m.homepage_subtitle({ some: "param" })}</p>

Only messages used on the current page are sent to the client. Any messages that aren't used on the current page will be tree-shaken out.

#Accessing Language in Code

You can access the current language with the languageTag() function.

	import { languageTag } from '$lib/paraglide/runtime.js'


On the server languageTag() is scoped to the current request, there is no danger of multiple requests interfering. languageTag() can safely be called in server-load functions and form actions.

#Language detection

The language is determined based on the URL. If the first segment of the URL is a language tag, that language will be used. If no language tag is present, the default language will be used.

  • /about - English
  • /de/about - German

The reroute hook in src/hooks.js (added automatically) automatically rewrites requests that include the language in the URL to the correct page. There is no need to modify your routes to add a [locale] segment.
