Advanced Setup
Excluding certain routes
⚠️ The
option has been reported as buggy.If you encounter any issues with it, please open a PR that fixes/ improves the exlusion mechanism. A PR will be reviewed promptly.
Exclude routes from being translated with the exclude
Excluded routes will:
- Not have any
links added to them - Not have their Paths translated
- Not have links pointing to them translated
Make sure excluded pages are still wrapped in the <ParaglideJS>
so that outgoing links are still translated.
Text direction
Paraglide guesses the text direction using the Intl.Locale
API. This is not supported in all runtimes. Use the textDirection
option to provide the text direction yourself.
Full URLs in <link rel="alternate">
According to the spec, alternate links for pages must be full URLs. Do this by setting the prerender.origin
option in your svelte.config.js.