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#Other Strategies

Appart from the default Prefix Routing Stragegy there are a few others available:

#Domain Strategy

This Strategy uses the domain of a request to determine the language.

import { DomainStrategy } from "@inlang/paraglide-next"
import type { AvailableLanguageTag } from "@/paraglide/runtime"

const strategy = DomainStrategy<AvailableLanguageTag>({
	domains: {
		en: "",
		de: "",
		fr: "",

Domains must be unique for each language.

#Detection-only Strategy

This strategy exclusively uses the Accept-Language header to detect the language on first visit. Any subsequent visits will use the language set in the NEXT_LOCALE cookie. Routing is not affected in any way.

import { DetectionStrategy } from "@inlang/paraglide-next"
import type { AvailableLanguageTag } from "@/paraglide/runtime"

const strategy = DetectionStrategy<AvailableLanguageTag>()

Manual Language switches only work if JS is enabled when using this strategy.

#Custom Strategy

The beatuy of the RoutingStrategy interface is that you can easily create your own routing strategy. All you need to do is implement the following functions:

const MyStrategy: RoutingStrategy<AvailableLanguageTag> = {
	 * This function is called inside the middleware to determine the language for the current request.
	 * It's also OK to say you don't know & return undefined. In that case the Language Cookie will be used,
	 * or Language negotiation if no cookie is present.
	resolveLocale(request: NextRequest) : AvailableLanguageTag | undefined

	 * Returns the canonical pathname based on the localised pathname and it's language.
	 * The canonical pathname is the pathname you would need to get to the page you want
	 * in the `app/` directory if there weren't any i18n routing.
	 * @example /de/ueber-uns + de -> /about
		localisedPath: `/${string}`,
		locale: AvailableLanguageTag
	): `/${string}`

	 * Returns the localized URL that can be used to navigate to the given path in the given language.
	 * It's a URL & not just a pathname so you can add query params and use other domains.
	 * For some strategies you might need to return different URLs based on if it's a language switch or not.
	 * @example /about + de -> /de/ueber-uns
		canonicalPath: `/${string}`,
		targetLocale: AvailableLanguageTag,
		isLanugageSwitch: boolean
	) : import("url").UrlObject

To get some inspiration you might want to read the source-code of the built-in strategies.