
inlang message format




#Minor Changes

  • 732430d: Error on messages file json parse failures


#Patch Changes

  • 4837297: File locking for concurrent message updates through the load/store plugin api Auto-generated human-IDs and aliases - only with experimental: { aliases: true }


#Minor Changes

  • 0c272619a: types loosened to allow for new/unknown properties


#Major Changes

  • ca96a2461: The message format is now human readable and can be edited manually. The plugin will automatically convert the message format to the internal format.

    1. Add a filePathPattern property to the inlang project
    "plugin.inlang.messageFormat": {
      "filePath": "./src/messages.json",
    +  "pathPattern": "./messages/{languageTag}.json"
    1. Run npx paraglide-js compile

    The compile command will automatically convert existing messages from the messages.json file to the new format.

    1. Delete the messages.json and filePath property in the inlang project
    "plugin.inlang.messageFormat": {
    -  "filePath": "./src/messages.json",
      "pathPattern": "./messages/{languageTag}.json"


#Minor Changes

  • c4afa50ca: fix: don't rely on { recursive: true } as the implemention differs per environment


#Minor Changes


#Minor Changes

  • 091db828e: fix: don't rely on { recursive: true } as the implemention differs per environment


#Minor Changes

  • 79c809c8f: improve: the plugin is able to create directories if a the storage file does not exist yet.

    If a user initializes a new project that uses ./.inlang/plugin.inlang.messageFormat/messages.json as path but the path does not exist yet, the plugin will now create all directories that are non-existend of the path yet and the messages.json file itself. This improvement makes getting started with the plugin easier.