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O ecossistema para globalizar seu software.

A inlang oferece produtos de localização personalizados para cada caso de uso. É necessária apenas uma configuração, tudo alimentado por uma única fonte de verdade em seu repositório sob controle de alterações.

O que é inlang?


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What is Inlang?

Standard open file format for i18n

Inlang is an open file format for internationalization i18n that provides an SDK for building and integrating localization tools on top of that open file format.

By defining a standardized file format for i18n, inlang enables interoperability between i18n solutions (translation management apps, developer tools, etc.).


SDK for building i18n solutions

The inlang file format has an official SDK that allows you to create, read, and query inlang files programmatically.

Go to the SDK docs for more information.

Inlang SDK


Adopting the Inlang format gives you access to an ecosystem of apps, plugins that work together seamlessly. Popular tools already built on Inlang include:

  • ParaglideJS 🪂 – A lightweight i18n library optimized for developer experience.
  • Fink 🐦 – A powerful translation management tool for developers and translators.
  • Sherlock i18n 🕵️ – A VS Code extension that provides real-time translation linting and suggestions.