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Paraglide JS


Manual Setup

The recommended way to set up Paraglide is with npx @inlang/paraglide-js init. Should that fail for some reason you can follow this manual setup guide.

Also please open an issue if it fails

1. Install Dependencies

npm i -D @inlang/paraglide-js

2. Create an Inlang Project

Create a folder called project.inlang in your root-directory. Inside it, add a settings.json file with the following content:

  "$schema": "",
  "sourceLanguageTag": "en",
  "languageTags": ["en", "de", "de-CH"],
  "modules": [
  "plugin.inlang.messageFormat": {
    "pathPattern": "./messages/{languageTag}.json"

Eddit the languageTags and sourceLanguageTag fields to match the languages you want to support.

3. Add message files for each languages

In your root-directory, create a messages folder. Then add a en.json file to it. This is where your messages live.

// messages/en.json
  "$schema": "",
  "greeting": "Hello {name}!"

Add a {lang}.json file for each of your languages.