Paraglide uses a compiler to generate JS functions from your messages. We call these "message functions".
Message Functions are fully typed using JSDoc. They are exported individually from the messages.js
file making them tree-shakable. When called, they return a translated string. Message functions aren't reactive in any way, if you want a translation in another language you will need to re-call them.
This design avoids many edge cases with reactivity, lazy-loading, and namespacing that other i18n libraries have to work around.
In addition to the message functions, ParaglideJS also emits a runtime. The runtime is used to set the language tag. It contains less than 50 LOC (lines of code) and is less than 300 bytes minified & gzipped.
Paraglide consists of four main parts:
Part | Description |
Compiler | Compiles messages into tree-shakable message functions |
Messages | The compiled tree-shakable message functions |
Runtime | A runtime that resolves the locale based on the strategy |
Strategy | The strategy to detect the locale of a user |