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Paraglide JS



The internationalization (i18n) library you choose can significantly impact your application's bundle size and overall performance.

This benchmark provides data-driven insights comparing Paraglide-JS with i18next, one of the most popular i18n solutions.



  • Paraglide JS is significantly smaller than i18next in all scenarios with less than 15 locales.
  • Above approx 15 locales, i18next has a lower bundle size with the http-backend.
  • The experimental per-locale splitting is consitently the smallest in all scenarios.

Locales: 5
Messages: 200
Namespace Size: 500

LibraryTotal Transfer Size
paraglide (experimental-middleware-locale-splitting)31.5 KB
paraglide (default)90.1 KB
i18next (default)694.3 KB
i18next (http-backend)191.0 KB

Locales: 10
Messages: 200
Namespace Size: 500

LibraryTotal Transfer Size
paraglide (experimental-middleware-locale-splitting)31.6 KB
paraglide (default)148.3 KB
i18next (default)694.3 KB
i18next (http-backend)191.0 KB

Locales: 20
Messages: 200
Namespace Size: 500

LibraryTotal Transfer Size
paraglide (experimental-middleware-locale-splitting)31.7 KB
paraglide (default)266.1 KB
i18next (default)694.3 KB
i18next (http-backend)191.1 KB

What is Being Tested

The benchmark creates a static website for each configuration (library variant, number of locales, messages per page, and namespace size). Each website is loaded in a headless browser, and the total transfer size is measured.

  • Number of Locales: How does an i18n library scale with the number of locales?
  • Number of Message per page: How does an i18n library scale with the number of messages that are used on a given page?
  • Library Implementation Variants: Testing different implementation approaches:
    • Paraglide:
      • default: Standard implementation
      • experimental-: Experimental implementation with per-locale splitting
    • i18next:
      • http-backend: Using HTTP backend for loading translations
  • Namespace Size: Testing how the total available messages in a namespace affects bundle size

Library modes

Each library is tested in different modes:

  • Paraglide:
    • default: Out of the box Paraglide JS with no additional compiler options.
    • : Mode with a compiler option that is being tested.
  • i18next:
    • default: The default i18next implementation source.
    • http-backend: i18next implementation using HTTP backend for loading translations on dmeand source.


Choosing the number of messages and namespace varies between projects

Some teams use per component namespacing while other teams have one namespace for their entire project. In's case, every component that uses i18n loads at least 3000 messages per locale.

To the point of the problem: Avoiding manual chunking of messages into namespaces is the benefit of Paraglide JS. The bundler tree-shakes all unused messages, making namespaces redundant.


Contributions to improve the benchmark are welcome.

  1. adjust the build matrix in build.config.ts
  2. run pnpm run bench to build the benchmark
  3. run pnpm run preview to preview the results