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Paraglide JS


Vanilla JavaScript/TypeScript Setup

This guide walks you through setting up Paraglide JS in a vanilla JavaScript or TypeScript project without any framework.


First, initialize a Paraglide JS project. This will set up the necessary configuration and create example message files.

npx @inlang/paraglide-js@latest init

Compiling your first messages

npx @inlang/paraglide-js compile --project ./project.inlang --outdir ./src/paraglide

This command generates TypeScript or JavaScript files in your src/paraglide directory, which you can then import into your application code.

Using messages

// Import your message functions
import { m } from "./src/paraglide/messages.js";
import { getLocale, setLocale } from "./src/paraglide/runtime.js";

// Use a message (with parameters if needed)
console.log(m.greeting({ name: "World" })); // "Hello World!"

// Change the locale

console.log(m.greeting({ name: "Welt" })); // "Hallo Welt!"

// Get the current locale
console.log(getLocale()); // "de"

Next steps

  1. Use a bundler plugin if applicable.
  2. Read the basics documentation for more information on how to use Paraglide's messages, parameters, and locale management.