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Paraglide JS


React Router v7 (framework) example

This example shows how to use Paraglide with React Router v7. The source code can be found here.

Getting started

  1. Init Paraglide JS
npx @inlang/paraglide-js@latest init 
  1. Add the vite plugin to your vite.config.ts:
import { reactRouter } from "@react-router/dev/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
+import { paraglideVitePlugin } from "@inlang/paraglide-js";

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [
+		paraglideVitePlugin({
+			project: "./project.inlang",
+			outdir: "./app/paraglide",
+		}),
  1. Done :)

Run the app and start translating. See the basics documentation for information on how to use Paraglide's messages, parameters, and locale management.

Server side rendering

If you use React Router v7 with SSR you will need to add the following code:

The setup will be even easier when React Router receives middlewares which is expected to arrive in early 2025

In root.tsx:

import {
} from "./paraglide/runtime";

+export function loader(args: Route.LoaderArgs) {
+	return {
		// detect the locale from the path. if no locale is found, the baseLocale is used.
		// e.g. /de will set the locale to "de"
+		locale: isLocale(args.params.locale) ? args.params.locale : baseLocale,
+	};

// server-side rendering needs to be scoped to each request
// react context is used to scope the locale to each request
// and getLocale() is overwritten to read from the react context
+const LocaleContextSSR = createContext(baseLocale);
+if (import.meta.env.SSR) {
+	overwriteGetLocale(() => assertIsLocale(useContext(LocaleContextSSR)));

export default function App(props: Route.ComponentProps) {
	return (
		// use the locale
+		<LocaleContextSSR.Provider value={props.loaderData.locale}>
			<Outlet />
+		</LocaleContextSSR.Provider>

In routes.ts:

import {
	type RouteConfig,
} from "@react-router/dev/routes";

export default [
	// prefixing each path with an optional :locale
	// optional to match a path with no locale `/page`
	// or with a locale `/en/page`
	// * make sure that the pattern you define here matches
	// * with the urlPatterns of paraglide JS if you use
	// * the `url` strategy
+	...prefix(":locale?", [
		route("about", "routes/about.tsx"),
+	]),
] satisfies RouteConfig;