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Paraglide JS


Locale strategy

Write your own cookie, http header, or i18n routing based locale strategy.


Only two APIs are needed to adapt Paraglide JS to your requirements:

  • defineGetLocale defines the getLocale() function that messages use to determine the locale
  • defineSetLocale defines the setLocale() function that apps call to change the locale

The steps are usually the same, irrespective of the strategy and framework you use:

  1. Use defineGetLocale() function that reads the locale from a cookie, HTTP header, or i18n routing.
  2. Trigger a re-render in your application via defineSetLocale().

Read the architecture documentation to learn more about's Paraglide's inner workings.

Dynamically resolving the locale (cookies, http headers, i18n routing, etc.)

Do dynamically set the locale, pass a function that returns the locale to setLocale. You can use this to get the locale from the documentElement.lang attribute, a cookie, a HTTP header, or any other source.

import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { setLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

defineSetLocale(() => document.documentElement.lang /** en */);

m.greeting(); // Hello world!

Trigger a re-render

To trigger a re-render in your application, use the defineSetLocale callback. How to trigger a re-render depends on your application but usually involves setting a render key at the top level of your application.

Below is an example for React.

import { useState } from "react";
import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { getLocale, defineSetLocale, setLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

function App() {
	const [localeRenderKey, setLocaleRenderKey] = useState(getLocale());

	defineGetLocale(() => {
		return document.documentElement.lang;

	defineSetLocale((newLocale) => {

	return (
		// The render key will trigger a re-render when the locale changes
		<div key={localeRenderKey}>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Switch locale to en</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Switch locale to de</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>Switch locale to fr</button>


The example uses React for demonstration purposes. You can replicate the same pattern in any other framework or vanilla JS.

  1. Define the getLocale() function that reads the locale from a cookie.
  2. Define the setLocale() function that writes the locale to a cookie and triggers a re-render.
import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { defineSetLocale, defineGetLocale, setLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { useState } from "react";

function App() {
	const [localeRenderKey, setLocaleRenderKey] = useState(null);

	defineGetLocale(() => {
		return Cookies.get("locale") ?? baseLocale;

	defineSetLocale((newLocale) => {
		// set the locale in the cookie
		Cookies.set("locale", newLocale);
		// trigger a re-render

	return (
		// The render key will trigger a re-render when the locale changes
		<div key={localeRenderKey}>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Switch locale to en</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Switch locale to de</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>Switch locale to fr</button>

Server-side rendering

  1. Detect the locale from the request.
  2. Make sure that defineGetLocale() is cross-request safe on the server.

Pseudocode logic on the server:

import { defineGetLocale, defineSetLocale, setLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";

const localeStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();

//  when `getLocale()` is called inside a route handler
//  this function will return the language for the current request
defineGetLocale(() => {
  return localeStorage.getValue() ?? baseLocale;

export function onRequest(request, next) {
  const locale = detectLocale(request);
	// set the async locale storage for the current request
	// to the detected locale and let the request continue
	// in the async context 
  return localeStorage(locale, async () => await next());

Pseudocode on the client:

function App() {
  if (!import.meta.env.SSR){
		defineGetLocale(() => {
			// your strategy to detect the locale on the client
		defineSetLocale((newLocale) => {
			// your strategy

	return (