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Paraglide JS



Paraglide JS comes with various strategies to determine the locale out of the box.

The strategy is defined with the strategy option. The order of the strategies in the array defines the priority. The first strategy that returns a locale will be used.

In the example below, the locale is first determined by the cookie strategy. If no cookie is found, the baseLocale is used.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie", "baseLocale"]

Built-in strategies

The cookie strategy determines the locale from a cookie.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie"]


Returns the baseLocale defined in the settings.

Useful as fallback if no other strategy returned a locale. If a cookie has not been set yet, for example.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie", "baseLocale"]


Uses a global variable to determine the locale.

This strategy is only useful in testing environments, or to get started quickly. Setting a global variable can lead to cross request issues in server-side environments and the locale is not persisted between page reloads in client-side environments.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["globalVariable"]


Determine the locale from the URL (pathname, domain, etc).

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["url"]

The URL-based strategy uses the web standard URLPattern to match and localize URLs.

For example, the pattern https://:domain(.*)/:locale(de|en)?/:path* matches URLs like and The named groups domain, locale, and path are used to extract and replace parts of the URL.

Use to test your URL patterns.

Pathname-based url localization example
	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url"],
	compilerOptions: {
		urlPatterns: [
				pattern: ":protocol://:domain(.*)::port?/:locale(de|en)?/:path(.*)?",
				// the original URL is 
				// hence, the locale is null
				deLocalizedNamedGroups: { locale: null },
				localizedNamedGroups: {
					// the en locale should have no locale in the URL
					// hence, the locale is null
					en: { locale: null },
					// the de locale should have the locale in the URL
					de: { locale: "de" },

Domain-based url localization example
	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url"],
	compilerOptions: {
		urlPatterns: [
			// defining the pattern during development which 
			// uses path suffixes like /en
				pattern: ':protocol://localhost::port?/:locale(de|en)?/:path(.*)?',
					deLocalizedNamedGroups: { locale: null },
					localizedNamedGroups: {
						en: { locale: 'en' },
						de: { locale: 'de' }
			// production pattern which uses subdomains like
				pattern: ":protocol://:domain(.*)::port?/:path(.*)?",
				deLocalizedNamedGroups: { domain: "" },
				localizedNamedGroups: {
					en: { domain: "" },
					de: { domain: "" },

Adding a base path

You can add a base path to your URL patterns to support localized URLs with a common base path.

For example, with the base path set to "shop":

  • runtime.localizeHref("/about") will return /shop/en/about
  • runtime.deLocalizeHref("/about") will return /shop/about
const base = "shop";

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url"],
	compilerOptions: {
		urlPatterns: [
				pattern: ":protocol://:domain(.*)::port?/:base?/:locale(en|de)?/:path(.*)?",
				deLocalizedNamedGroups: { base },
				localizedNamedGroups: {
					en: { base, locale: "en" },
					de: { base, locale: "de" },

Write your own strategy

Write your own cookie, http header, or i18n routing based locale strategy to integrate Paraglide into any framework or app.


Every time a message is rendered, Paraglide calls the getLocale() function under the hood to determine which locale to apply. By default, this will be the baseLocale defined in your settings. Calling setLocale(locale) anywhere in your code will update the locale stored by the runtime. Any calls to getLocale() after that (eg: when a new message is rendered) will return the newly set locale.

This behaviour is far too simple for most apps. Instead of starting with the default baseLocale, you will probably want to determine the locale based on cookies, a http header or a routing strategy. Likewise, if the locale is changed by the user, you might want to update some cookies, change the route, or trigger a rerender of the app.

Only two APIs are needed to define this behaviour and adapt Paraglide JS to your requirements:

  • overwriteGetLocale defines the getLocale() function that messages use to determine the locale
  • overwriteSetLocale defines the setLocale() function that apps call to change the locale

Because the client and server have separate Paraglide runtimes, you will need to define these behaviours separately on the client and server.

The steps are usually the same, irrespective of the strategy and framework you use:

  1. Use overwriteGetLocale() function that reads the locale from a cookie, HTTP header, or i18n routing.
  2. Handle any side effects of changing the locale and trigger a re-render in your application via overwriteSetLocale() (for many apps, this may only be required on the client side).

Read the architecture documentation to learn more about's Paraglide's inner workings.

Dynamically resolving the locale (cookies, http headers, i18n routing, etc.)

To dynamically resolve the locale, pass a function that returns the locale to getLocale(). You can use this to get the locale from the documentElement.lang attribute, a cookie, a locale route, or any other source.

import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { overwriteGetLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

overwriteGetLocale(() => document.documentElement.lang /** en */);

m.orange_dog_wheel(); // Hello world!

On the server, you might determine the locale from a cookie, a locale route, a http header, or anything else. When calling overwriteGetLocale() on the server, you need to be mindful of race conditions caused when multiple requests come in at the same time with different locales.

To avoid this, use AsyncLocaleStorage in Node, or its equivalent for other server-side JS runtimes.

import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import {overwriteGetLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";
const localeStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();

overwriteGetLocale(() => {
  //any calls to getLocale() in the async local storage context will return the stored locale
  return localeStorage.getStore() ?? baseLocale;

export function onRequest(request, next) {
  const locale = detectLocale(request); //parse the locale from headers, cookies, etc.
  // set the async locale storage for the current request
  // to the detected locale and let the request continue
  // in that context 
  return, async () => await next());

Or, for a SvelteKit specific example, in your hooks.server.ts:

import { AsyncLocalStorage } from 'node:async_hooks';
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { overwriteGetLocale, baseLocale } from './paraglide/runtime.js';

overwriteGetLocale(() => {
  //any calls to getLocale() in the async local storage context will return the stored locale
  return localeStorage.getStore() ?? baseLocale;

async function localeHandler({event, resolve}) {
  const locale = detectLocale(request);
  // set the async locale storage for the current request
  // to the detected locale and let the request continue
  // in that context
  return, async() => await resolve(event));

async function mainHandler({event, resolve}) {
  //...your main server side request handler logic
  return await resolve(event);

export const handle = sequence(
  localeHandler, //goes first to set the locale context for the rest of the request

Trigger a re-render

When the user changes the locale (eg: using a language switcher) you will likely want to trigger a re-render of your application. To do so, use the overwriteSetLocale callback. How to trigger a re-render depends on your application but usually involves setting a render key at the top level of your application.

Below is an example for React.

import { useState } from "react";
import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { getLocale, overwriteSetLocale, setLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

function App() {
	const [localeRenderKey, setLocaleRenderKey] = useState(getLocale());

	overwriteGetLocale(() => {
		return document.documentElement.lang; //or any other source

	overwriteSetLocale((newLocale) => {

	return (
		// The render key will trigger a re-render when the locale changes
		<div key={localeRenderKey}>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Switch locale to en</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Switch locale to de</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>Switch locale to fr</button>

For SvelteKit you can wrap your base +layout.svelte in a {#key getLocale()}{/key} block to automatically trigger a rerender whenever setLocale() is called:

<script lang="ts">
import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { getLocale, overwriteGetLocale, overwriteSetLocale, setLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

//first set the locale
setLocale(document.documentElement.lang); //or any other source
let locale = $state(getLocale()); //stores the current locale

overwriteGetLocale(() => {
	return locale;

overwriteSetLocale((newLocale) => {
	locale = newLocale;
	//update any cookies, localStorage, etc
{#key getLocale()}
		<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Switch locale to en</button>
		<button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Switch locale to de</button>
		<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>Switch locale to fr</button>
		<!--The rest of your application-->
		{@render children()}


The example uses React for demonstration purposes. You can replicate the same pattern in any other framework or vanilla JS.

  1. Define the getLocale() function that reads the locale from a cookie.
  2. Define the setLocale() function that writes the locale to a cookie and triggers a re-render.
import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { overwriteSetLocale, overwriteGetLocale, setLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { useState } from "react";

function App() {
	const [localeRenderKey, setLocaleRenderKey] = useState(null);

	overwriteGetLocale(() => {
		return Cookies.get("locale") ?? baseLocale;

	overwriteSetLocale((newLocale) => {
		// set the locale in the cookie
		Cookies.set("locale", newLocale);
		// trigger a re-render

	return (
		// The render key will trigger a re-render when the locale changes
		<div key={localeRenderKey}>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("en")}>Switch locale to en</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("de")}>Switch locale to de</button>
			<button onClick={() => setLocale("fr")}>Switch locale to fr</button>

Server-side rendering

  1. Detect the locale from the request.
  2. Make sure that overwriteGetLocale() is cross-request safe on the server.

Pseudocode logic on the server:

import { overwriteGetLocale, overwriteSetLocale, setLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";

const localeStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();

//  when `getLocale()` is called inside a route handler
//  this function will return the language for the current request
overwriteGetLocale(() => {
  return localeStorage.getValue() ?? baseLocale;

export function onRequest(request, next) {
  const locale = detectLocale(request);
	// set the async locale storage for the current request
	// to the detected locale and let the request continue
	// in the async context 
  return localeStorage(locale, async () => await next());

Pseudocode on the client:

function App() {
  if (!import.meta.env.SSR){
		overwriteGetLocale(() => {
			// your strategy to detect the locale on the client
		overwriteSetLocale((newLocale) => {
			// your strategy

	return (