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Paraglide JS



Paraglide JS comes with various strategies to determine the locale out of the box.

The strategy is defined with the strategy option. The priority is determined by the order of the strategies in the array. The first strategy that returns a locale will be used.

In the example below, the cookie strategy first determines the locale. If no cookie is found, the baseLocale is used.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie", "baseLocale"]

Built-in strategies

The cookie strategy determines the locale from a cookie.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie"]


Returns the baseLocale defined in the settings.

It is useful as a fallback strategy if no other strategy returns a locale, for example, if a cookie has not been set yet.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["cookie", "baseLocale"]


Uses a global variable to determine the locale.

This strategy is only useful in testing environments or to get started quickly. Setting a global variable can lead to cross-request issues in server-side environments, and the locale is not persisted between page reloads in client-side environments.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["globalVariable"]


Automatically detects the user's preferred language from browser settings or HTTP headers.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["preferredLanguage", "baseLocale"]

The strategy attempts to match locale in order of user preference:

  1. First try exact matches (e.g., "en-US" if supported)
  2. Falls back to base language codes (e.g., "en")

For example:

  • If user prefers fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en;q=0.7 and your app supports ["en", "fr"], it will use fr
  • If user prefers en-US and your app only supports ["en", "de"], it will use en


Determine the locale from the user's local storage.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["localStorage"]


Determine the locale from the URL (pathname, domain, etc).

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
+	strategy: ["url", "cookie"]

The URL-based strategy uses the web standard URLPattern to match and localize URLs.

Use to test your URL patterns.

Locale prefixing
	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
	urlPatterns: [
			pattern: "/:path(.*)?",
			localized: [
				["de", "/de/:path(.*)?"],
                                //  make sure to match the least specific path last 
				["en", "/:path(.*)?"],

Translated pathnames

For pathnames where you want to localize the structure and path segments of the URL, you can use different patterns for each locale. This approach enables language-specific routes like /about in English and /ueber-uns in German.

Here's a simple example with translated path segments:

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
	urlPatterns: [
		// Specific translated routes
			pattern: "/about",
			localized: [
				["en", "/about"],
				["de", "/ueber-uns"],
			pattern: "/products/:id",
			localized: [
				["en", "/products/:id"],
				["de", "/produkte/:id"],
		// Wildcard pattern for untranslated routes
		// This allows you to incrementally translate routes as needed
			pattern: "/:path(.*)?",
			localized: [
				["en", "/:path(.*)?"],
				["de", "/:path(.*)?"],

Domain-based localization
	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
	urlPatterns: [
		// Include the localhost domain as otherwise the pattern will
		// always match and the path won't be localized
			pattern: 'http://localhost::port?/:path(.*)?',
			localized: [
				["en", 'http://localhost::port?/en/:path(.*)?'],
				["de", 'http://localhost::port?/de/:path(.*)?']
		// production pattern which uses subdomains like
			pattern: "*)?",
			localized: [
				["en", "*)?"],
				["de", "*)?"],

Adding a base path

You can add a base path to your URL patterns to support localized URLs with a common base path.

For example, with the base path set to "shop":

  • runtime.localizeHref("/about") will return /shop/en/about
  • runtime.deLocalizeHref("/about") will return /shop/about

When using a base path, it's important to make it optional using the {basepath/}? syntax with curly braces and the ? modifier. This ensures that paths without the base path will still be properly matched and have the base path added during localization.

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
	urlPatterns: [
			pattern: "/{shop/}?:path(.*)?",
			localized: [
				["en", "/{shop/}?en/:path(.*)?"],
				["de", "/{shop/}?de/:path(.*)?"],

This configuration enables:

Original URLLocalized URL (EN)Localized URL (DE)Notes
/about/shop/en/about/shop/de/aboutPath without base path gets base path added
/shop/about/shop/en/about/shop/de/aboutPath with base path gets properly localized

The curly braces {} with the ? modifier ensure that the group is treated as optional, allowing both URLs with and without the base path to be matched and properly localized.

Making URL patterns unavailable in specific locales

You can configure certain URL patterns to be unavailable in specific locales by redirecting them to a 404 page or any other designated error page.

This is useful when some content or features should only be accessible in certain languages.       // Available in English              // Redirected to 404 in German

To implement this, map the pattern to your 404 page URL for the locales where the content should be unavailable:

	project: "./project.inlang",
	outdir: "./src/paraglide",
	strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
	urlPatterns: [
		// 404 page definition.
		// 💡 make sure to define the 404 pattern
		// before a catch all pattern
			pattern: "/404",
			localized: [
				["en", "/404"],
				["de", "/de/404"],
				// defining paths for locales that should not
				// be caught by the catch all pattern 
				// this will be matched first and the catch all
				// pattern will not be triggered and a redirect
				// from /de/unavailable to /de/404 will be triggered
				["de", "/de/unavailable"]
		// Path that's only available in English
			pattern: "/specific-path",
			localized: [
				["en", "/specific-path"],     // Normal path in English
				["de", "/de/404"],            // Redirects to 404 in German
		// Catch-all pattern for other routes
			pattern: "/:path(.*)?",
			localized: [
				["en", "/:path(.*)?"],
				["de", "/de/:path(.*)?"],

When a user tries to access /specific-path in German, they will be redirected to /de/404 instead. This approach allows you to:

  • Make certain content available only in specific languages
  • Create locale-specific restrictions for particular routes
  • Implement gradual rollouts of features by language
  • Handle legacy URLs that might only exist in certain locales

Note that other paths will still work normally through the catch-all pattern, so only the specifically configured paths will be unavailable.

Troubleshooting URL patterns

When working with URL patterns, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:

Excluding paths is not supported

URLPattern does not support negative lookahead regex patterns.

The decision to not support negative lookaheads is likely related to ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) attacks. Read this blog post or the CVE on GitHub.

Pattern order matters

URL patterns are evaluated in the order they appear in the urlPatterns array. The first pattern that matches a URL will be used. This means that more specific patterns should come before more general patterns.

urlPatterns: [
  //  INCORRECT ORDER: The wildcard pattern will match everything, 
  // so the specific pattern will never be reached
    pattern: "*)?", // This will match ANY path
    localized: [
      ["en", "*)?"],
      ["de", "*)?"],
    pattern: "", // This will never be reached
    localized: [
      ["en", ""],
      ["de", ""],

//  CORRECT ORDER: Specific patterns first, then more general patterns
urlPatterns: [
    pattern: "", // Specific pattern first
    localized: [
      ["en", ""],
      ["de", ""],
    pattern: "*)?", // General pattern last
    localized: [
      ["en", "*)?"],
      ["de", "*)?"],
Localized pattern order matters too

Within each pattern's localized array, the order of locale patterns also matters. When localizing a URL, the first matching pattern for the target locale will be used. Similarly, when delocalizing a URL, patterns are checked in order.

This is especially important for path-based localization where one locale has a prefix (like /de/) and another doesn't. In these cases, put the more specific pattern (with prefix) first.

//  INCORRECT ORDER: The first pattern is too general
  pattern: "*)?",
  localized: [
    ["en", "*)?"], // This will match ANY path
    ["en", ""], // This specific pattern will never be reached

//  CORRECT ORDER: Specific patterns first, then more general patterns
  pattern: "*)?",
  localized: [
    ["en", ""], // Specific pattern first
    ["en", "*)?"], // General pattern last

//  INCORRECT ORDER FOR DELOCALIZATION: Generic pattern first will cause problems
  pattern: "/:path(.*)?",
  localized: [
    ["en", "/:path(.*)?"],      // Generic pattern will match everything including "/de/about"
    ["de", "/de/:path(.*)?"],   // Pattern with prefix won't be reached for delocalization

//  CORRECT ORDER: More specific patterns with prefixes should come first
  pattern: "/:path(.*)?",
  localized: [
    ["de", "/de/:path(.*)?"],   // Specific pattern with prefix first
    ["en", "/:path(.*)?"],      // Generic pattern last
Example: Multi-tenant application with specific routes

For a multi-tenant application with specific routes, proper pattern ordering is crucial:

  project: "./project.inlang",
  outdir: "./src/paraglide",
  strategy: ["url", "cookie"],
  urlPatterns: [
    // Specific product routes first
      pattern: "",
      localized: [
        ["en", ""],
        ["de", ""],
        ["fr", ""],
    // Specific category routes next
      pattern: "",
      localized: [
        ["en", ""],
        ["de", ""],
        ["fr", ""],
    // General wildcard pattern last
      pattern: "*)?",
      localized: [
        ["en", "*)?"],
        ["de", "*)?"],
        ["fr", "*)?"],

With this configuration:

  1. Product URLs like will use the specific product pattern
  2. Category URLs like will use the specific category pattern
  3. All other URLs will fall back to the general pattern

Write your own strategy

Write your own cookie, http header, or i18n routing based locale strategy to integrate Paraglide into any framework or app.

Only two APIs are needed to define this behaviour and adapt Paraglide JS to your requirements:

  • overwriteGetLocale defines the getLocale() function that messages use to determine the locale
  • overwriteSetLocale defines the setLocale() function that apps call to change the locale

Because the client and server have separate Paraglide runtimes, you will need to define these behaviours separately on the client and server.

The steps are usually the same, irrespective of the strategy and framework you use:

  1. Use overwriteGetLocale() function that reads the locale from a cookie, HTTP header, or i18n routing.
  2. Handle any side effects of changing the locale and trigger a re-render in your application via overwriteSetLocale() (for many apps, this may only be required on the client side).

Read the architecture documentation to learn more about's Paraglide's inner workings.

Dynamically resolving the locale (cookies, http headers, i18n routing, etc.)

To dynamically resolve the locale, pass a function that returns the locale to getLocale(). You can use this to get the locale from the documentElement.lang attribute, a cookie, a locale route, or any other source.

import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import { overwriteGetLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

overwriteGetLocale(() => document.documentElement.lang /** en */);

m.orange_dog_wheel(); // Hello world!

On the server, you might determine the locale from a cookie, a locale route, a http header, or anything else. When calling overwriteGetLocale() on the server, you need to be mindful of race conditions caused when multiple requests come in at the same time with different locales.

To avoid this, use AsyncLocaleStorage in Node, or its equivalent for other server-side JS runtimes.

import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";
import {overwriteGetLocale, baseLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks";
const localeStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();

overwriteGetLocale(() => {
  //any calls to getLocale() in the async local storage context will return the stored locale
  return localeStorage.getStore() ?? baseLocale;

export function onRequest(request, next) {
  const locale = detectLocale(request); //parse the locale from headers, cookies, etc.
  // set the async locale storage for the current request
  // to the detected locale and let the request continue
  // in that context 
  return, async () => await next());