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Paraglide JS



No locale found

Paraglide JS was not able to resolve a locale. This can happen if:

  1. Your strategy array is empty.
-strategy: []
+strategy: ["cookie", "baseLocale"]
  1. You are using overwriteGetLocale() and overwriteSetLocale() but forgot to call them at the root/entrypoint of your app.
import { overwriteGetLocale, overwriteSetLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

// Call the overwrites before your app starts rendering.
overwriteGetLocale(() => "en");
overwriteSetLocale((locale) => console.log(`Set locale to ${locale}`));

// Your app rendering entrypoint.
export default function App() {
	return (
			<p>Hello world</p>
  1. You are using the url strategy but call messages outside of a request context.
strategy: ["url"]
// hello.ts
import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";

// 💥 there is no url in this context to retrieve
//    the locale from.

Make sure to call messages within a request context that is set by the paraglideMiddleware:

Dependent on your framework, what runs in a request context can differ. In SvelteKit, for example, you can use the `load` function in your routes to ensure that messages are called within a request context.
// hello.ts
import { m } from "./paraglide/messages.js";


//  this will work
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  1. You make API requests and only have strategy: ["url"] set.

Paraglide JS will only extract the locale from a URL if the request is a document request, indicated by Sec-Fetch-Dest: document to distinguish it from API requests.

Add cookie or baseLocale to your strategy array to ensure that the locale is always resolved in API requests as well.

-strategy: ["url"]
+strategy: ["url", "cookie", "baseLocale"]

Use setLocale() to switch locales.

If your application uses client-side routing, the UI will not update if you use a localized href to switch the locale. You need to force a reload or navigate to the new locale.

Issue #472 discusses possibilities to handle this in a framework-agnostic way.

import { setLocale } from "./paraglide/runtime.js";

//  this will work

//  this will not work in client side routing
<a href={localizeHref("/page", { locale: "de" })}>Deutsch</a>

// 🟠 your framework might expose a reload attribute which 
//    would make locale switching via links work
  href={localizeHref("/page", { locale: "de" })}