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Paraglide JS


Incremental migration

Paraglide JS can load any translation file formats. As such, you can incrementally migrate to Paraglide JS.

  • Continue using your existing translation files
  • Mix and match different formats (JSON, i18next, etc.)
  • Migrate your codebase piece by piece
This example uses i18next translation files but is applicable to any format.

Add the i18next plugin

Find a list of available plugins here. For this example, the i18next plugin is used. Update the project.inlang settings to include the i18next plugin:

  "baseLocale": "en",
  "locales": ["en", "de", "fr"],
  "modules": [
+    ""
+  "plugin.inlang.i18next": {
+    "pathPattern": "./locales/{locale}.json"
+  }

Using i18n libraries together

Now you can use both i18next and Paraglide JS in your code:

// Existing i18next code
import i18next from 'i18next';
import { m } from './paraglide/messages.js';

console.log(i18next.t('greeting', { name: 'World' }));
console.log(m.greeting({ name: 'World' }));