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Paraglide JS


Compiler options


If emitGitIgnore is set to true a .gitignore file will be emitted in the output directory. Defaults to true.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+  - .gitignore
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


If emitPrettierIgnore is set to true a .prettierignore file will be emitted in the output directory. Defaults to true.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+  - .prettierignore
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


The outputStructure defines how modules are structured in the output.

  • message-modules - Each module is a message. This is the default.
  • locale-modules - Each module is a language.


Messages have their own module which eases tree-shaking for bundlers.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+   - blue_elephant_tree/
+     - index.js
+     - en.js
+     - fr.js
+   - sky_phone_bottle/
+     - index.js
+     - en.js
+     - fr.js
   - ...
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


Messages are bundled in a per locale module. Bundlers sometimes struggle tree-shaking this structure.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+   - de.js
+   - en.js
+   - fr.js
   - ...
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js