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Paraglide JS


Compiler options


If emitGitIgnore is set to true a .gitignore file will be emitted in the output directory. Defaults to true.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+  - .gitignore
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


If emitPrettierIgnore is set to true a .prettierignore file will be emitted in the output directory. Defaults to true.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+  - .prettierignore
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


The outputStructure defines how modules are structured in the output.

  • message-modules - Each module is a message. This is the default.
  • locale-modules - Each module is a language.


Messages have their own module which eases tree-shaking for bundlers.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+   - blue_elephant_tree/
+     - index.js
+     - en.js
+     - fr.js
+   - sky_phone_bottle/
+     - index.js
+     - en.js
+     - fr.js
   - ...
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


Messages are bundled in a per locale module. Bundlers sometimes struggle tree-shaking this structure.

 - outdir/
  - messages/
+   - de.js
+   - en.js
+   - fr.js
   - ...
  - messages.js
  - runtime.js 


Emits TypeScript files instead of JSDoc annotated JavaScript files. Defaults to false.

This feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the future.
 - outdir/
-    - messages.js
+    - messages.ts
-    - runtime.js
+    - runtime.ts


Imports emitted files with .ts extension instead of .js. Defaults to false.

Only works in combination with experimentalEmitTs. The feature is useful in some codebases which need to resolve TypeScript files with a .ts ending. Node's strip-types flag is an example.

This feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the future.
-import { getLocale } from "./runtime.js";
+import { getLocale } from "./runtime.ts";