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Paraglide JS



Paraglide's compiler approach enables optimizations that are not possible with runtime libraries. Below is a comparison of Paraglide JS with other popular i18n libraries.

If you are looking for a benchmark, check out the interactive benchmark.

Please open a pull request if the comparison is outdated, incorrect, or can be improved.

Basic Features

FeatureParaglide JSi18nextReact-Intl/FormatJS
Architecture🏗ī¸ Compiler🏃 Runtime🏃 Runtime
Tree-shaking✅ Yes❌ No❌ No
Runtime Size✅ Tiny (as small as 300B)⚠ī¸ Large (10kB+)⚠ī¸ Large (8kB+)
Type Safety✅ Yes🟠 Via workarounds❌ No
Pluralization✅ Yes✅ Yes✅ Yes
Framework agnostic (React, Svelte, Vue, ...)✅ Yes🟠 Wrappers needed🟠 Wrappers needed
Metaframework agnostic (NextJS, SvelteKit, Astro, ...)✅ Yes🟠 Wrappers needed❌ Only supports plain JS or React (source)
Ecosystem🌱 Growing based on open inlang file format🟠 Cloud TMS service❌ Only an i18n library

Advanced Features

FeatureParaglide JSi18nextReact-Intl/FormatJS
Configurable strategies ℹī¸âœ… Yes🟠 Via plugins❌ No
Localized (i18n) routing✅ Yes❌ No❌ No
Variants ℹī¸âœ… Yes❌ No❌ No
Multi-tenancy ℹī¸âœ… Yes❌ No❌ No
Message syntax agnostic ℹī¸âœ… Via inlang plugins✅ Via different backends❌ Only ICU
Scales well over 15 locales🟠 Experimental split locale option✅ Via HTTP backend❌ No
Component interpolation❌ Upvote issue #240🟠 Only for React🟠 Only for React