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Paraglide JS



#Working with the Inlang Message Format

Paraglide is part of the highly modular Inlang Ecosystem which supports many different Message Formats. By default, the Inlang Message Format is used.

It expects messages to be in messages/{lang}.json relative to your repo root.

	//the $schema key is automatically ignored
	"$schema": "",
	"hello_world: "Hello World!",
	"greeting": "Hello {name}!"

The messages/{lang}.json file contains a flat map of message IDs and their translations. You can use curly braces to insert {parameters} into translations

Nesting purposely isn't supported and likely won't be. Nested messages are way harder to interact with from complementary tools like the Sherlock IDE Extension, the Parrot Figma Plugin, or the Fink Localization editor. Intellisense also becomes less helpful since it only shows the messages at the current level, not all messages. Additionally enforcing an organization-style side-steps organization discussions with other contributors.

#Using messages in Code

#Complex Formatting

The Message Format is still quite young, so advanced formats like plurals, formatting functions, and markup interpolation are currently not supported but are all planned

You can still achieve complex formatting like so:

For a message with multiple cases, aka a select message, you can define a message for each case & then use a Map to index into it.

import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js"

const season = {
	spring: m.spring,
	summer: m.summer,
	autumn: m.autumn,
	winter: m.winter,
} as const

const msg = season["spring"]() // Hello spring!

For date & currency formatting use the .toLocaleString method on the Date or Number.

import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js"
import { languageTag } from "./paraglide/runtime.js"

const todaysDate = new Date()
	date: todaysDate.toLocaleString(languageTag()),

const price = 100
	price: price.toLocaleString(languageTag(), {
		style: "currency",
		currency: "EUR",

You can put HTML into the messages. This is useful for links and images.

// messages/en.json
	"you_must_agree_to_the_tos": "You must agree to the <a href='/en/tos'>Terms of Service</a>."
// messages/de.json
	you_must_agree_to_the_tos": "Sie müssen den <a href='/de/agb'>Nutzungsbedingungen</a> zustimmen."

There is currently no way to interpolate framework components into messages. If you require components mid-message you will need to create a one-off component for that bit of text.

#Getting a message in a specific language

You can import a message in a specific language from paraglide/messages/{lang}.js.

import * as m from "./paraglide/messages/de.js"
m.hello() // Hallo Welt

If you want to force a language, but don't know which language ahead of time you can pass the languageTag option as the second parameter to a message function. This is often handy on the server.

import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js"
const msg = m.hello({ name: "Samuel" }, { languageTag: "de" }) // Hallo Samuel!


Paraglide discourages lazy-loading translations since it causes a render-fetch waterfall which hurts Web Vitals. Learn more about why lazy-loading is bad & what to do instead in our blog post on lazy-loading.

If you want to do it anyway, lazily import the language-specific message files.

const lazyGerman = await import("./paraglide/messages/de.js")
lazyGerman.hello() // Hallo Welt

#Language Management

#Setting the language

You can set the language tag by calling setLanguageTag() with the desired language, or a getter function. Any subsequent calls to either languageTag() or a message function will use the new language tag.

import { setLanguageTag } from "./paraglide/runtime.js"
import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js"

m.hello() // Hallo Welt!

setLanguageTag(() => document.documentElement.lang /* en */)
m.hello() // Hello world!

setLanguageTag needs to be called both on the server and the client since they run in separate processes.

The language tag is a global function. This means that on the server it is shared accross requests. In order to avoid the langauge from one request being overwritten by another request you need to use getter function that returns the language for the current request. A good way to implement this is using AsyncLocalStorage.

️ Bad Example:

import { setLanguageTag, sourceLanguageTag } from "./paraglide/runtime.js"

export function onRequest(request, next) {
	const langForReq = detectLanguage(request) 
	// ️ If multiple requests are handled concurretntly 
	// ️ later ones will override the language for earlier ones

	return langStorage(langForReq, async () => await next())

Good Example:

import { setLanguageTag, sourceLanguageTag } from "./paraglide/runtime.js"
import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks"

const langStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage()

//  when `languageTag` is called inside a route handler 
//  this function will return the language for the current request
setLanguageTag(() => {
	return langStorage.getValue() ?? sourceLanguageTag 

export function onRequest(request, next) {
	const langForReq = detectLanguage(request)
	return langStorage(langForReq, async () => await next())

If you are using a Framework library like Paraglide-Next or Paraglide-SvelteKit you do not need to call setLanguageTag manually.

#Reacting to language changes

Messages aren't reactive, so you will need to trigger a re-render when the language changes. You can register a callback using onSetLanguageTag(). It is called whenever the language tag changes.

If you are using a framework library this happens automatically.

import { setLanguageTag, onSetLanguageTag } from "./paraglide/runtime.js"
import * as m from "./paraglide/messages.js"

onSetLanguageTag((newLanguageTag) => {
	console.log(`The language changed to ${newLanguageTag}`)

setLanguageTag("de") // The language changed to de
setLanguageTag("en") // The language changed to en

Things to know about onSetLanguageTag():

  • You can only register one listener. If you register a second listener it will throw an error.
  • onSetLanguageTag shouldn't be used on the server.


Your configuration is located in project.inlang/settings.json. There you declare which languages you support and which one is the source-language.

// project.inlang/settings.json
    "$schema": "",
    "sourceLanguageTag": "en",
    "languageTags": ["en", "de", "ar"],

#Moving the Translation Files

If you want your language files to be in a different location you can change the pathPattern of the Inlang-Message-Format plugin.

// project.inlang/settings.json
	"plugin.inlang.messageFormat": {
-		"pathPattern": "./messages/{languageTag}.json"
+		"pathPattern": "./i18n/{languageTag}.json"

#CLI Reference

#paraglide-js init

Initializes Paraglide in the current directory.

No options available

#paraglide-js compile

  • --watch - Watch for message-changes and automatically recompile.
  • --project <path> - The relative path to the Inlang Project with the messages that should be compiled (required)
  • --outdir <path> - The relative path to the output directory in which the compiled files should be placed

#Usage with a Bundler

If you are using a bundler you should use the corresponding plugin. The plugin will keep your Message Functions up-to-date by compiling whenever your messages change and before building your app.